–verb (used with object)
1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
2. to mourn for or over.
–verb (used without object)
3. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret.
4. to mourn deeply.
5. an expression of grief or sorrow.
6. a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, esp. in verse or song; an elegy or dirge.
[Origin: 1520–30; (n.) lāmentum plaint; (v.) lāmentārī, deriv. of lāmentum] —Related forms la·ment·er, noun la·ment·ing·ly, adverb —Synonyms 1, 2. bewail, bemoan, deplore. 3, 4. grieve, weep. 5. lamentation, moan. 6. monody, threnody. (compliments of www.dictionary.com)
This word was used when I was reading an article on Yahoo! sports about the 10th anniversary of "Home Run 63". The article is a nice reminder of what brought America back to baseball in 1998. The author likes using many words with many syllables. Reminds me of my high school days, trying to come up with different words that have a lot of syllables so we could say them quick while rocking our asses to each syllable. The "buttrock" might as well be famous.
Which allows me to use the word of the day. I lament social "buttrocking". To this day when I come across a word that make me smile, I'll take the moment to reflect. But gone are the days of immature simplicity. I don't think any of the people in my "social circle" (which include just a few) would enjoy this simple pleasure. Then again, maybe everyone does it. My friends and I should receive an award, maybe a Nobel Prize of some kind. A VMA wouldn't do it justice, I would've have to stand next to Brittany Spears.
Maybe this is a list I could compose, that way everyone could read and "rock", I guess I'll have to think about that. Lists seem to be a popular thing in the blogging world. An easy entry I guess.
Your the best Stepdad in the world. I love you and I miss you, and I hope that you know how much I love you and I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
i was one of the origional buttrockers!
still indulge on a regular basis...
and the origional buttrock song... "cult-of-perso...nal...ity"
I think the best song for the "rockin" was by The Information Society. The electronic rift in the middle of "I Wanna Know". Relentless glut workout.
Ocho Cinco
thats right that was the origional song.
i think you are part elephant.
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